Saturday, December 26, 2009

One of my vaginal lips hangs down lower than the other one, why is that?

Its the way you are made to be. Alot of women have the same thing. Vagina lips come in so many shapes and sizes and different lip lengths. Just like how your boobs are probably not exactly the same size. Completely normal.One of my vaginal lips hangs down lower than the other one, why is that?
lol I'm a guy of 15 years and I know that that's all normal x))

Take a seat in the woman's changing room at bathhouse and study some vagina's and you will see that they all are diffrent. It's all normal if the inner ones hang over the others or even outside..One of my vaginal lips hangs down lower than the other one, why is that?
According to Cosmopolitan that is totally normal. Every woman has asymetrical vaginal lips just like we have diff. sized breasts, one eye bigger than the other etc.
I shouldn't imagine it's serious.

Just the way you are, just like nobodies face is symmetrical :)
It's a normal variation with labial anatomy.

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