Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can u prevent dry white lips and keep the edges of lips in shape?...i've a problem...plz solve dis!!!?

My prob. is tht whenevr i go out...i'll get this chapped, itchy, white lips....i try putting chapstick...but it becums dry...and sumtimes red in color...and when it becums dry...i'll not have any border for my lips...hehe..(plz dont laugh uh)...Pleeeeeeeeeease do help me!!!!How can u prevent dry white lips and keep the edges of lips in shape?...i've a problem...plz solve dis!!!?
Sounds like you live somewhere very chilly with dry cold air,like Alaska or Canada or maybe the extreme opposite desert, Mojave desert. Either way you are exposing yourself to a lot of dryness. You can't do much to change the outside, bu indoors get yourself a Moist heat vaporizer. Keep one in your bedroom while you sleep. Put the chapstick on and even lipstick clear if you don't care for color. But at least something glossy. It doesn't have to be expensive. My fav. is lipsmaker gloss with the sponge tip applicator. (Bubblegum or watermelon flavor) or whatever flavor you like. It makes me feel like I'm 13 again! Drink the reccomended 8 glasses of water a day. Hyrdate hydrate hydrate!How can u prevent dry white lips and keep the edges of lips in shape?...i've a problem...plz solve dis!!!?
drink 10-12 glass of water daily.
I used to have realy dry peely lips so i took people's advice and bought Carmex...it did the job for me :-)
Drink more water. Dry skin and lips are signs of inadequate hydration. Use Vaseline in addition to your chapstick.
Try Natural Ice Original. It has mentholatum in it and sunscreen as well. It did wonders to my lips. :)
Do you lick your lips all the time(maybe unconsciously)? If you do, you have to find a way to stop it. I use Soft-lips SPF20(from any drugstore) everyday after my shower. I put it near my creams and lotion so I won't forget. At night I use Palmer's with Cocoa and Shea butter. It made a difference because like you, I had that problem before. Good luck!
Ditch the chapstick and invest in carmex.
When you are in the shower or brushing your teeth you can exfoliate your lips with a rough washcloth or loufa (sp?) gloves then moisturize with Carmex or a good lip moisturizer, not usually chapstick. Try lipgloss instead of lipstick when going out. Keep them moisturized. Load them up with gunk at night when going to bed.
your body needs water!

sure the stuff is horrid

but you gotta get used to it

if you dont like it that is.

also, don't lick your lips.

you may even do it without even knowing you did.

but you gotta break out of that habbit!

the acid in your mouth is nasty stuff.

there's also this amazing stuff i know

im not sure what it is, it was a free sample!

i think the make is by Clinique

but it came in this tube and it was all creamy looking that you squeeze onto your finger and rub it on your lips.

it's the greatest thing EVER.

your lips feel all soft and mmm. it makes you want to kiss yourself! haha.

if you do lick your lips, try putting on lipstick.

i used to lick my lips all the time! argh!

but when i wore lipstick i wanted to actually keep it on my mouth and not in my stomach so i banned myself from the licking the lips thing.
buy a toothbrush with soft brissles, the best are those kiddies ones. Every nightbefore bedtime you should brush lightly over your lips in circular motion and then wash your face and apply vaseline before you sleep. If you do this it wont have the chapped white look and you could try gloss.

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