Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do you ever get weird pains on and around your vaginal lips during pregnancy?

In and around your opening? I'm 11 weeks pregnant, had an U.S. on Monday and baby was perfect, but I keep getting pains around my vaginal opening. Stabbing like with no bleeding. On and off, nothing too painful. (I used to get this before pregnancy too maybe 1 a month)Do you ever get weird pains on and around your vaginal lips during pregnancy?
I have never heard of that. But everyone and every pregnancy is different. it may be perfectly normal for you. you should go to the doctor and have them check it out or if it worries you then you should go to the ER/ oh and go to the emergency room ASAP if you have any bleeding with the pain. good luck and congrats on the miracle!Do you ever get weird pains on and around your vaginal lips during pregnancy?
I dunno have you been checked for TSS? Becuz this isn't normal. You shouldn't have any pain there.
You are not the only one. I feel this pain alot and I am 21 wks. Some times they are worse than others. If I feel it coming on I lay down because It feels so weird.
I get them too and have had them with each of my three pregnancies. I have no idea what the pain is caused from but I have asked my doctor and he assured me they are normal and nothing to worry about.
you should ask your dr.
Maybe you have an yest infection?

My girly part is sore but doesn't hurt like stabbing pains.

Have you asked your Doctor?
Totally weird! I thought i was the only person ever to feel that! Only I don't feel it when pregnant! I have endometriosis and it has lodged itself inside the vaginal lips....

I did look in the What to Expect When You're Expecting Book and it does say that that entire area is subject to feelings and sensations that you've never felt before!

Anyway good luck!
Is this your 1st or 2nd pregnancy? I had those pains with my second, at times it hurt to walk and even lift my legs to put pants on. My doc told me that you feel different pains and aches through multiple pregnancys.
from what I've heard and read, it's beacuse of inceased pressure on nerves in that area. It is completely harmless and completely normal.

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