Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm looking for a lip balm that I can wear with frequency that won't make the area around my lips break out!

I have always been a die-hard Carmex fan. But recently its been breaking me out around my lips. Can anyone offer me some advice? Thanks in advance!I'm looking for a lip balm that I can wear with frequency that won't make the area around my lips break out!
Personally, I load ';Vaseline'; on my lips at night, and wake up with soft and moisturized lips in the morning. Do that, and then try ';Softlips'; or ';Blistex';. I've done that for a while now, and it works perfectly.

Hope this helps!!I'm looking for a lip balm that I can wear with frequency that won't make the area around my lips break out!
i live on blistex silk and shine
I use the plain Chap Stick in the black tube. It doesn't have the sunscreen which some people are sensitive to.
hmmmmm... well my friends like blistex, and i am a fan of burts bees. also it is important to not use only one type of lip balm, if you keep on using the same kind, its not good, and it clogs and stuff. like shampoo, after a bottle change it up, do the same with balm, or have 3 kind, different brands that you like. one for each mood.

hope that helped.
chap stick.

It's pretty, it's safe, it's spf.

It's everything you could ever ask for to put on your puckers.

It makes your lips look lucious without too much shimmer, it won't break out your skin, and it's a sunscreen!

That rocks. Chap stick is available in all flavors and colors.

Simply Chapstick.
Carmex can dry the lips - bc it's for cold sores.

Instead - go to your local natural food store, or GNC used to have it anyway and find : Un-Petroleum

It's great, I use it in the a.m. after brushing my teeth.

Then I use it in the p.m. just before bed after brushing.

That stuff is a miracle - it's not waxy and hydrates beautifully.

I like the Tangerine but they have other flavors, like grape and cherry too.
soft lips
try a natural lip balm with less ingredients and chemicals. Maybe Vaseline or look at this site
Oooh i've always loved Carmex for my lips. Look for balms without petroleum...that actually dries you out. Hotlips lip gloss (I know it's not a balm) is really nice too. You only need a teenie amount, a tube lasts for ages. The texture is a little strange at first though.
plain old Vaseline should do the trick.

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